Песнь Centuries от музыканта Fall Out Boy - послушайте и не говорите, что не услышали видео скачать бесплатно mp3 без регистрации

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Музыкант: Fall Out Boy

Название песни: Centuries

Продолжительность песни: 03:51

Дата: 2015-10-19

Текст песни просмотрели: 875

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[Intro - Chorus]
Some legends untold
Some turn to dust or to gold
But you will remember me, remember me for centuries
And just one mistake
It's all it will take, we'll go down in history
Remember me for centuries

Remember me for centuries

[Verse 1]
Mama, fight my teenage dreams
No it's nothing wrong with me
The kids are all wrong the story's aloof
Heavy metal broke my heart
Come on, come on and let me in
I'm cruising on your thighs, leave my fingerprints
And this is for tonight
I thought that you would feel
I never meant for you to fix yourself

Some legends untold
Some turn to dust or to gold
But you will remember me, remember me for centuries
And just one mistake
Is all it will take, we'll go down in history
Remember me for centuries

Remember me for centuries

[Verse 2]
And I can't stop until the whole word knows my name
Cause I was only born inside my dreams
Until you die for me, as long as there is a light, my shadow is over you
Cause I am the opposite of amnesia
And you're a cherry blossom
You're about to bloom
You look so pretty, but you're gone so soon

Some legends untold
Some turn to dust or to gold
But you will remember me, remember me for centuries
And just one mistake
Is all it will take, we'll go down in history
Remember me for centuries

Remember me for centuries

We've been here forever
And here's the frozen fruit
I could speak forever
We are the poisoned youth

Some legends untold
Some turn to dust or to gold
But you will remember me, remember me for centuries
And just one mistake
Is all it will take, we'll go down in history

Remember me for centuries

Remember me for centuries

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Fall Out Boy Performs "Centuries"
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